Washington Centerville Public Library
Washington Centerville Public Library
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Adventure for Kids

A list of fantastic, action-packed adventure books for kids.

Must-Read Books

The most compelling recent books, featuring fresh picks for adults and youth across a variety of genres and topics. [Monthly]

Biography and Memoir

Walk a mile in someone else's shoes--immerse yourself in the lives of the famous, the infamous, and the ever intriguing. [Frequency: Monthly]


Drawn to puzzles? These books will provide you with a steady stream of who-dun-its for your solving delight. [Frequency: Monthly]

Books for Kids and Tweens

A list of fun, fascinating fiction and nonfiction for kids in elementary school and tweens in middle school. [Frequency: Monthly]

Nature and Science

If you are inquisitive and like to know what’s happening in the science world then this newsletter will keep you up-to-date. Discover the latest science trends and learn about exciting informational studies. [Frequency: Bi-Monthly]

Christian Fiction

Like a little faith with your fiction? These titles, representing a range of genres from historical fiction to romance to suspense, will hit the spot. [Frequency: Bi-Monthly]

New Movies & TV Series

Want to see all the new movie and TV series releases coming for the month? Subscribe to this list and you could be first on the hold list! [Frequency: Monthly]

CK Superheroes Fiction

Curious Kids Superheroes Fiction

New Nonfiction

Truth is often stranger than fiction, and this newsletter will keep you updated on the newest nonfiction titles. [Frequency: Monthly]

CK Superheroes Nonfiction

CK Superheroes Nonfiction

New Nonfiction Books for Kids

Great information books or stranger-than-fiction true stories, these are for you! The list includes outstanding nonfiction for kids through fifth grade. [Frequency: Monthly]

Fantasy and Science Fiction

Whether fueled by magic or advanced technology, imagination is the engine of speculative fiction. This newsletter brings you the best of fantasy, science fiction, and everything in between. [Frequency: Monthly]

New York Times Fiction Bestsellers

An up-to-date list of the New York Times Fiction Bestsellers. [Frequency: Weekly]

Featured Graphic Novels

Check out the latest additions to our graphic novel collection: including manga and non-fiction. [Frequency: Bi-Annual]

New York Times Nonfiction Bestsellers

An up-to-date list of the New York Times Nonfiction Bestsellers. [Frequency: Weekly]

Fiction A to Z

Take a walk through the aisles of our general fiction section and discover a range of fascinating characters and stories to engage and enlighten. [Frequency: Monthly]

Picture Books

Great picture books that will capture the imaginations of kids ages 0-8. [Frequency: Monthly]

First Concepts Popular Culture

Great reading suggestions for staying on top of popular culture including music, film, sports, clothing, and all the things that make life interesting! [Frequency: Bi-Monthly]

Forever YA

Great reading suggestions for Young Adult readers who are a little less ‘Y’ and a bit more ‘A’. [Frequency: Bi-Monthly]


Flirt with romance--whether you like your lovin' with ghosts, spies, or knights in shining armor, this newsletter will deliver, sealed with a kiss. [Frequency: Monthly]

From Page to Screen

Fantastic books that have been made into movies. [Frequency: Bi-Monthly]

Simply Cookbooks

This newsletter is for the cooking enthusiast. It includes a wide variety of cookbooks which cover baking, grilling, slow cooking, gourmet cooking as well as how to prepare everyday meals. [Frequency: Bi-Monthly]

Historical Fiction

Do you prefer novels with period detail? Become part of history, without having to slop through the mud or face the guillotine yourself. [Frequency: Monthly]

Staff Picks

Mysteries, science fiction, nonfiction...you never know what you might find in these titles selected by staff. [Frequency: Quarterly]


If you feel that no day is complete without uncertainty, terror or blind panic--fictional, of course--the books featured here are sure to send chills down your spine. [Frequency: Bi-Monthly]

Teen Scene

All types of fiction for those who want to imagine different realities -- and nonfiction for those who are trying to understand ours! For high school readers age 14 and up. [Frequency: Monthly]


Delve into contemporary fiction and nonfiction with gay and lesbian themes. Each list is sure to include romance, adventure, and intrigue. [Frequency: Bi-Monthly]

Thrillers and Suspense

Footsteps behind you... Conspiracy theories... A race against time... Horrific consequences... If you're seeking white knuckles and a racing heart, you've come to the right place. [Frequency: Monthly]


A monthly list featuring the top ten books loved by librarians across the U.S. [Frequency: Monthly]

WCPL Kids!

Get a reminder each week of the free, fun kids activities taking place at the Library! [Frequency: Weekly]

Mentioned in the Media

Don't be the last to hear about the latest books. See what has been mentioned on TV and radio or in magazines and newspapers. [Frequency: Monthly]

Women's Fiction and Chick Lit

Follow women as they struggle with their love lives, careers, and families. Each month a new cast of modern, fun, and intelligent characters will be delivered to you. [Frequency: Monthly]

Multicultural Authors

Explore different cultures through books written by authors with different backgrounds. Each newsletter will have authors representing various ethnicities and religious affiliations. [Frequency: Bi-Monthly]

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Library Board 2023
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